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Providing tangible and intangible resources to Epileptic children and their families is one of the primary goals of the mission of our foundation. We believe this is important so that the families we service will have easier access to more information based around the latest research and receive better care that would otherwise be too expensive and or out of reach. We strive towards this goal in several ways.

2. Collecting donations through events and fundraisers that go toward education, research and development of treatments for Epilepsy and possibly its cure.

Breast Cancer Awareness Race

1. Bringing professionals and experts together to give care to those children suffering with Epilepsy who may not have the access to them or the resources to be able to afford more expensive treatments and or medical care.


3. Sponsoring/Participating in health fairs, conferences and seminars to bring awareness to the challenges of Epilepsy.  We will also address general health concerns that may affect those with epilepsy or for those who support them.

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